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With Carancestry

Beat the Winter Blues in the Lamborghini Espada


Journey from the rustic vineyards and majestic coastline of Italy, through the vivid color and excitement of Spain, all the way to the United States in the Lamborghini Espada. Brought to life in 1968 by Italian car designer Marcello Gandini, this car gives drivers an added bit of style no matter where their travels take them. Characteristic of Lamborghini, the name “Espada” comes from the Spanish word for “sword”, as in the one used to end the dramatic yet delicate dance between a bullfighter and his beast. Just one rev of the engine mimics the heavy huff of the most feared bull and behind the wheel you’re the matador. Get your red cape ready and cut turn after turn like the sharp slash of a blade. With an Italian body and a Spanish heart, it’s no wonder why this car was a decade-long best seller for Lamborghini.

Feeling well travelled yet? Watch this pure driver’s video from Petrolicious and become fluent in “Espada”.

Natural-Born Matador from Petrolicious on Vimeo.


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