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Callaway Chevy Silverado vs. Ram 1500 TRX

There has been, and always will be a market for pickup trucks. From the Ford F-150 to the Chevrolet Silverado, these utilitarian vehicles have been a staple in many American homes for decades. But there’s a new sector of the market that’s growing at a rapid rate: the super truck. We thought Ford might have outdone it’s competitors with the F-150 Raptor, but then Ram introduced the insanity that is the TRX. In a YouTube video posted by tuners Callaway, we get to witness the TRX go head-to-head with the Callaway-tuned Silverado SC602 in a series of straight-line races. And let’s just say the results are interesting. We won’t say any more than that. Check it out, right here.

Source: CarBuzz, Callaway Cars Inc

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