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Watch This Dodge Challenger Hellcat Use Its 707-HP to Evade Police

Let’s start out by saying we never encourage any sort of run in with the law. But, we sort of knew this was going to happen at some point. It was inevitable that one of FCA’s bad boys would be involved in a car chase with police sooner or later. Combine the Challenger Hellcat’s aggressive looks and angry engine and it’s all over. And that’s what happened on this (usually) calm Texas highway.

There’s no way to determine exactly why 25 year-old Mohmed Ahmed Abu-Shlieba decided to steal a white Challenger Hellcat. But we can only imagine how badly he wanted to take it for a spin. The police initiated a pursuit and quickly learned that their cruisers were no match for a 707 horsepower supercharged Hemi V8. The driver managed to evade police going at insane rates of speed, without losing control. He put himself and the entire road in danger with this stunt. The police were able to stop the driver thanks to a Helicopter and a GPS tracker installed in the vehicle. It also helped that being a true muscle car, the Challenger ran out of gas. Check out the full story, right here:


Source: CarBuzz, ABC13, Irish Gearhead


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