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The Work of a Master: Chicara Nagata Motorcycles


Chicara Nagata makes some of the most unique motorcycles you’ll ever see. In an interview with Megadeluxe, Chicara said:

“Every project, I encounter many, many problems. I can’t count how many times I give up to make motorcycle. But I noticed that, ‘If we don’t give up, we can make it.’ In another words, we can make the impossible…possible. This is what I learn from making motorcycles, but still on the way.”

Chicara lives in Japan and has been working as a graphic designer for about 30 years. He’s been making motorcycles by hand for 20 years. In his interview, Chicara explained that he begins with the engine, “chosen from its beauty not only its function,” then comes the rest of the bike. His designs can take up to 7,000 man-hours but to that we say: perfection takes time. CA1_03




Source: Megadeluxe

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